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Re: gEDA-user: RFC: Towards a better symbol/package pin-mapping strategy (was: Re: slotting and power pins)
Hi Michael,
On Mon, 2009-06-29 at 06:23 +0000, Michael Sokolov wrote:
> Bert Timmerman <bert.timmerman@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> > got cvs co working
> > Simply typing make barfs the following:
> > [snipped]
> <smart ass mode>
> Your OS is too modern. Install something that is at least 25 years
> obsolete and try again.
> </smart ass mode>
> Seriously though, Ineiev has already told me that ultra-modern versions
> of gcc refuse to compile uEDA as distributed by me. So you need to
> apply some local patches of your own to port it to your modern OS.
> uEDA is developed on/under/for 4.3BSD-Quasijarus, my own version of UNIX
> that very faithfully maintains the traditions of UNIX Version 7 and
> Berkeley VAX UNIX. The C compiler maintains strict compatibility with
> the K&R C standard aka C78.
> uEDA does however compile OK under Slackware 10.2 and RHEL 4. Lots of
> warnings, but no fatal errors, so I just ignore them.
> MS
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I'm still running FC5 (which is declared dead for over 2 years now, EOLT
June 2007) on my devel box, have some old i486/i586 boxes on RH6.1 in
the garage, so porting to RH6.1 maybe something funny for after the
I hope to install FC11 on a new box soon, as my gtk version is too old
to compile gEDA and pcb ;-(
Kind regards,
Bert Timmerman.
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