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Re: gEDA-user: git HEAD PCB now supports user-defined holes in polygons

kai-martin knaak wrote:
Back in 1999 Microstation by Bentley did it this way:

left click = do the default action

right-click-drag = a horizontal menu with several icons representing different modes of the tool appears. The icon that is highlicghted on mouse button release is executed.

right-click = the horizontal appears. Left-click on an icon makes this mode the default of the tool. That way you can deal with a multitude of modes and get an intuitive way to configure the default to your own, special needs. OK, this is certainly too much for pcb in its current state. But it shows, what a powerful GUI can do.
Right click is a very ergonomic action so I'd like to reserve it for something IMO more important: the ESC functionality in routing, i.e. break a trace and restart a new one. So for a tool-box popup I'd prefer shift-left-click or maybe shift-right click or
one of the zilion of other mous buttons I have ;-)

The use of the right mouse button to get back one level in handler hierarchy is very convenient for me. It's a feature I learned to love with QCad and implemented in
my GUI-demo (with some known glitches) visible at www.varkon.org.
I also prefer assignment of view operations to the middle mouse button/wheel as
a clear concept: scroll = zoom, drag = pan.
(in space it's a bit more complicated: scroll is move along camera axis, drag = move traverse,
Ctrl-drag = rotate in space, alt-scroll = change perspective angle,...)

Regards, Armin

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