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Re: gEDA-user: PCB: option dumpmenu missing

Thanks for your reply!

Am 01.06.2011 00:51, schrieb Kai-Martin Knaak:
Second thing: In the list of HIDs (line 311-323 of your patch) is the
gcode-HID missing.
The gcode HID is pretty new. First time I see it mentioned in the mailing
list is november 2009. Seems like it had not made it to the repo when I
did the command line option patch.

Oh! I did not know, that this is such a new feature! (Used pcb the first time in summer 2010)
Third thing: I have started to include the first items of your patch by
hand to my code. The documentation-generation stops with the message
/home/felix/Downloads/geda-git-source/pcb/doc//options.texi:6: `BOM
Creation' has no Up field (perhaps incorrect sectioning?).
IIRC, this means, that there is a section command missing in the texi

Thanks for the hint, I will try to figure out my mistake.
Last thing: I think the same about the numbering and table-formatting as
DJ said in his message
http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.cad.geda.user/29944/focus=30083. I
think, I would prefer the last solution he suggests (extracting to
multiple files), but this are just my 2 cent.
I agree, that this may be better. But it escapes me, why my patch has
to be perfect to be considered for application. Command line documentation
in the manual is as broken as can be. Anything would be better than the
current list of bogus options.


If you don't mind, I will rebase your patch and modify it to extract the docu-source to several files. Hope, this will get applied in the near future.

Kind regards,

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