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Re: gEDA-user: Please test updates to auto-uref.scm

Krzysztof KoÅciuszkiewicz wrote:

>> Please add this to the system-gschemrc:
>> /------------------------------------------
>> \-----------------------------------------
> My patch contains something like this

Except for the first line, the text was taken from your patch ;-)

> - I have provided a separate
> function for changing this value because new Guile versions do not
> allow for redefinition of values.

Ah. I did not get what auto-uref-set-page-offset was good for.
So the system-gschemrc addition would be:

;; Set the value of page-offset for auto number on insert.
;; Refdeses will be numbered from integer multiples of page-offset,
;; depending on the lowest refdes value found on the page.
;; If lowest value is 323 and page offset is 100, then next refdes
;; will be 301.
;; Setting to 0 disables the feature.

(auto-uref-set-page-offset 100)

I think, it is reasonable to set this value to 100 by default. This
covers probably most use cases. 

Kai-Martin Knaak
Email: kmk@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
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