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Re: gEDA-user: gschem saving symbols

Josh Jordan <outerspaceman81@xxxxxxxxx>

> The script opens a dialog to save the symbol and it also loads the
> symbol on its own page. ÂI think we could skip the file chooser and
> make this function open the modified symbol in the Hierarchy menu in a
> "Down Symbol Instance" option. ÂThen you can save-as from there with
> the correct symbol file chooser. ÂIt will take me a little while to
> get up to speed with scheme.

Sure.  This was only ever intended as a quick hack to quite unashamedly
show off my Scheme API work.  If it goes some way towards solving your
problem, that's also good.

                        Peter ;-)

Peter Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Remote Sensing Research Group
Surrey Space Centre

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