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Re: gEDA-user: web version of gschem/pcb

On Mon, 2011-06-20 at 10:42 -0700, Josh Jordan wrote:
> I think it would be a big advance to port the gschem/pcb formats to
>     javascript and svg.  It would make geda accessible to every platform
>     and really make it easy for new users to get started.  It would make
>     development easier if you only support a set of standards instead of
>     different build environments that overall run on a minority of the
>     systems out there.  Javascript and SVG with local data can perform as
>     well as any desktop application in 2d graphics.
>     -Josh Jordan

Please note: Recently someone wrote a HTML5 viewer for gschem
schematics, and someone other reported about his effort to port gEDA
file format to svg. You may find that in the archives for this list.

Personally I would be happy if YOU can make a web based version -- if
you have the time, skills and motivation to do it. (Although I do not
see too much benefit for it, and I can not imagine that a web based PCB
editor can compete with Peter C.'s GL branch. And for me other task, as
continuing the orphaned toporouter or better integration of gnucap
simulation would be of more benefit.) 

As you may know, I am working with low priority on a tiny gschem clone
written from scratch in Ruby using Cairo and GTK. I have spent about 450
hours of work for that project now, and I am far away from an useful
tool still. (I can read gschem files, draw, zoom, pan and move elements
-- really very limited still.)

Best regards

Stefan Salewski

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