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gEDA-user: A little trouble with PCB: Can't find R1 pin 1 called for in netlist.


I'm trying to build a netlist to use with pcb (1.99n). I have written a very simple schematic:

v 20030223
C 81500 53700 0 0 0 title-A4.sym
C 88900 60000 1 0 0 resistor-1.sym
T 89100 60300 5 10 1 1 0 0
T 88900 60000 5 10 1 1 0 0
C 88900 59200 1 0 0 resistor-1.sym
T 89100 59500 5 10 1 1 0 0
T 88900 59200 5 10 1 1 0 0
N 88900 60100 88400 60100 4
N 88400 60100 88400 59300 4
N 88400 59300 88900 59300 4
N 89800 60100 90400 60100 4
N 90400 60100 90400 59300 4
N 89800 59300 90400 59300 4

that only contains two resistors and two wires. I have compiled this schematic with gschem2pcb with success, but I cannot use it in PCB. When I try to use this netlist, PCB returns:

jolitorax:[~] > pcb
Can't find R2 pin 2 called for in netlist.
Can't find R1 pin 2 called for in netlist.
Can't find R2 pin 2 called for in netlist.
Can't find R1 pin 2 called for in netlist.
Can't find R2 pin 1 called for in netlist.
Can't find R1 pin 1 called for in netlist.

I have read the mailing list and I don't find any solution. All symbols are correclty defined (numerical pines). Any idea ?

Thanks in advance.