On Mar 16, 2004, at 1:09 AM, David Koski wrote:
Ahh ok, I feel better now. :) My first board (a small crystal-controlled CW transmitter for the 40m ham band) was done in exactly the same way, probably about the same time. :)Yes. And I confess I should have said "first board ever--with CAD". My first board washttp://kosmosisland.com/island/david/kuvia/show.php? title=Sample+Board&path=geda
Hey, that's a damn sight better than my first PCB. Nice work! Hmmmm...H-bridge motor controller?
made using etch resistant ink like sharpie pens. Hmm.. I guess that dates me.
It was about 25 years ago. I added an image of that board too for laughs.
http://kosmosisland.com/island/david/kuvia/show.php? title=Sample+Board&path=geda...and mine looked very, very much like this! :-) Thanks for sharing; this takes me back to a very happy time in my life. :-)