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Re: gEDA-user: PCB: problems w/ pcblib if I may add a question
Hello John,
yes, I know this tutorial and work with it.
But the way due creation of a system link with packages fails..perhaps
for the reason that I work on a FAT32 partition?
But no problem, I simply create a sub-folder and copied all footprints
in it.
But where the library folders of PCB ~geda, ~general... are defined I
still do not understand.
Is it fixed in one of the program files?
But bigger problem:
I tried to change a qfp-Package, because I need a pqfp 100 (also called
So I opend an existing footprint, copied some elements and tried to move
them to an specific place.
If I use MoveObject, then the elements are simply vanashing...
If I try to move the Object manually via mouse, I got the problem, that
I need a snap grid which is in 0,15mm - which I cannot define via menu.
How do you place Objects exactly?
Are there possibilities which are undocumented?
With best regards