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Re: gEDA-user: Question about creating footprints under PCB
On Thursday 17 March 2005 10:44, Manfred Eggersdorf wrote:
>Hello Marvin,
>Ive got big respect for the performance of open source and the
> people which put all the time into it.
>It was not the question why your site doesnt work - it is not up to
> me to ask something like that -
>The question was: What about a simple ftp-"page"?
>...with access for every member to add directorys, symbols,
>footprints...everybody is able to up-and download like he want.
>No aditional work for administration, because everybody knows that
> he works under own risk.
Good idea, but what do we do with the 187 Gb of porn that would be
loaded onto that machine by the time we woke up the next morning?
Passwords are rather weak, and src based ident + passwords would still
fail because I'm on verizon.net dsl, and you'll never be able to
associate my reverse lookup as actually being me for more than a
session at a time due to routing changes etc that are a daily
occurrance for me, even if my IP addy is stable for a week or more at
a time.
Don't get me wrong, such a site would be at least as usefull as
bottled beer. But the devil IS in the details.
>>The download page at this site will be functional by sunday night.
>>Like everybody else on this list, I have to earn a living before
>> spending time on open source.
>>Marvin Dickens
Cheers, Gene
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