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gEDA-user: pin macro with no pad?

Is it possible to make a footprint with a thru hole but no pad? like
an alignment or mounting hole?  i can't seem to make it work.  if i
make the diameter of the pad and thru hole the same size will the pad
show up?  ideally the pad would just be "not there" and the hole would
only show up, say, in a nc drill output of the board.  i'm using
newlib footprints.  also, what are the possible values of the "pin
flag" hex flag attribute?  can't seem to find docs anywhere regarding

side note. my first board with geda (and pcb) will be done very soon
(when i figure this last detail out.)  i'll be milling a few
prototypes out on my small cnc mill and i'm VERY excited.  i'll post
pictures of the prototypes when i get there.  thanks for your help

handsome greg