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Re: gEDA-user: newbie opamp blues

Stuart Brorson wrote:

One other thing:  On my gEDA/SPICE webpage:


there is an example of an op-amp simulation which you can download.
The file is called "Transimpedance Amplifier Project".  It shows how
to set up the attrbutes to run opamp simulations.  Take a look at


That is unfortunate. I reviewed the docs, reviewed the sample files, downloaded a library of various parts, and spent an hour or so looking over the requirements to get an op amp working, and trying various things in gschem.

Unfortunately, building parts and setting pins and saving symbols is far more complicated at this point than I am prepared to deal with. It's challenging enough figuring out how to get pspice wired correctly with an existing opamp, and getting my 100 homework problems correct.

If somebody knows of an exsiting, fairly simple op amp sample project, or a set of straightforward step by step instructions from getting from zero to a working op amp in a schematic to ngspice, I would be grateful.

David Logan