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Re: gEDA-user: newbie opamp blues

I'm looking to learn gschem/gnetlist/ngspice, using my book, while also learning eletronics. My book, while teaching me electronics (basic analog circuits), also teaches me how to use electronics modelling software, by having me use pspice for Windows.

However, I use Linux, and prefer to learn the Unix tools, geda/gnetlist and ngspice. I am working on learning both tools. I use pspice for Windows plus the book to figure out how it should work with gschem/netlist/ngspice.

Up until now, other than some annoyances (no resistor values, no auto-numbering, things like that) it has been working out fine.

I probably do need to take the time to figure out how to do this in gschem/gnetlist/ngspice. Surely at some point, this knowledge will be required. And I would actually be happy to, except that the docs aren't cohesive, and it's being difficult for me to figure out just exactly what the various programs want and how to specify those wants correctly.

My final statement was that I just don't have time to play around with this and that until I finally hit upon the correct steps for that "aha!". I really need more clear cut instructions on how to build an opamp circuit, with the associated pins. If I had to build a symbol, that's fine, especially if I could reuse it during my work in this chapter, but I just don't have time to spend 6-8 hours or more figuring out how to edit a symbol, edit pins, save pins, learn how to label pins, figure out what the labels should be, per what spice wants, attach them to sequence numbers, learn how to properly number / label / pinseq / netlist / whatever that needs, etc.

Maybe I'm making this more difficult than it is...but that's just it. I don't know.

David Logan

Svenn Are Bjerkem wrote:

On Saturday 26 March 2005 19:30, David Logan wrote:

That is unfortunate. I reviewed the docs, reviewed the sample
files, downloaded a library of various parts, and spent an hour or
so looking over the requirements to get an op amp working, and
trying various things in gschem.

Unfortunately, building parts and setting pins and saving symbols
is far more complicated at this point than I am prepared to deal
with. It's challenging enough figuring out how to get pspice wired
correctly with an existing opamp, and getting my 100 homework
problems correct.

If somebody knows of an exsiting, fairly simple op amp sample
project, or a set of straightforward step by step instructions from
getting from zero to a working op amp in a schematic to ngspice, I
would be grateful.

Are you using pspice or ngspice? Looks like you are on linux from your emails, but maybe you use pspice under wine? Then you could also use ltspice under wine. Or if you have ngspice running you could use xcircuit which is easier for small circuits spice simulation than geda. You can run xcircuit anyway as it write the spice netlist the way you want.

In other words, what do you want to do? Do you only want to get the job done, or do you want to get it done in geda?