Any suggestions as to how to break them down into smaller symbols
and have them combine at the netlisting stage? I'm sure it's been
done before, I just can't find any docs...
I just did this for the m32c chip. One symbol for the CPU half
(3.3v), the other for the GPIO half (5v).
Just number the pins in a non-overlapping way, and make sure both
symbols in your schematics have the same refdes, and it all just
I have a perl script that takes a number of symbols, and makes sure
you've listed each pin exactly once. Attached.
# -*- perl -*-
$min = 99999;
$max = -99999;
while (<>) {
if (/^pinnumber=(.*)/) {
$pin{$1} ++;
$min = $1 if $min > $1;
$max = $1 if $max < $1;
for ($i=$min; $i<=$max; $i++)
if ($pin{$i} != 1) {
if ($pin{$i} > 0) {
print "Too many: $i\n";
} else {
print "Missing: $i\n";
$bad = 1;
if ($bad) {
print "Pins $min .. $max present\n";
} else {
print "Pins $min .. $max all present\n";