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gEDA-user: gnucap has problems with text-named nodes?

This circuit suggests that if two text named nodes are named one prefix
of the other somehow with respect to the underscores, then the gnucap
is generating open circuit: internal node 6.

* gnetlist -s -g spice-sdb -o sim/cap_pair.ckt sim/cap_pair.sch
* Spice file generated by gnetlist                      *
* spice-sdb version 6.12.2005 by SDB --                 *
* provides advanced spice netlisting capability.        *
* Documentation at http://www.brorson.com/gEDA/SPICE/   *
*==============  Begin SPICE netlist of main design ============
C13 0 1 1n  
C14 0 3 100n  
C2 0 5 1n  
L13 1 2 1.6nH 
L14 3 4 1.9nH 
L2 5 6 1.6nH 
R13 out_1_100 2 0.2  
R14 out_1_100 4 0.1  
R2 out_1 6 0.2  
.print ac zm(out_1_100) zm(out_1)
.ac 1.01Meg 963Meg Dec 128 >sim/cap_pair.data Basic Quiet