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Re: gEDA-user: routing questions

DJ Delorie wrote:
>>1) Is there an alternative to the default routing style with 45°
>>segments at the start of the current line?
> Use the / key to change the defaul, or shift to change it temporarily.

Shift works, "/" does not work. Maybe this is because on my (german)
keyboard / is on the "7" key? I have to press [shift-7] to get the slash
 in text applications. If I press "7" in pcb, the seventh layer gets
current. With [shift-7] nothing happens.

>>Direct connection of two points, allowing for any angle, not just
>>integers of 45?°
> Control key.

This does not work either :-|
If I press the control key while drawing a line, the preview vanishes
and I get no new line segment. All I get if I click while holding the
ctrl key is a marker like the one of [shift-m].

>  To follow a trace to a different layer via a
> via, click to end the current trace where you want the via, then
> switch layers (the number keys 1-8 are shortcuts for switching layers)

Ok, that one was really important!


> gschem uses a template pcb, so you get whatever the template had.
> It's based on older pcb defaults.  You can change them if you want.

Where is the file supposed to be? (I did not find it in /etc/gEDA)

>>6) Is there a way to "go backwards" while routing? Sometimes I discover
>>right after the click, that I'd better go a different way.
> The "U" key, to undo, can undo individual segments when drawing lines.

Sometimes things are so simple. I should have tired that before asking..

> No, but reading the manual first would be nice :-)

Well, I was mislead by the heading "Getting Started". I didn't expect
this  section to contain the main body of user commands. When I looked
at "User Commands" and  "X11 Interface" I got the impression that the
questions I had were not addressed.

I promise, to add your answers to the wiki!

Kai-Martin Knaak
Blog: http://lilalaser.dyndns.org/blog

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