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gEDA-user: pcb optimize rats nest error

I just installed the very latest stuff this morning. I included the list of what I built and installed below. Now when I run pcb, and load a netlist (neither of which give errors), then select:

Connects->Optimize Rats Nest

I get absolutely nothing except the text from the log:

2: Nothing more to add, but there are
either rat-lines in the layout, disabled nets
in the net-list, or missing components

Any ideas why? This even happens on pcbs that I have done previously with an older version of pcb that I *know* had a valid netlist.

David Logan

                        configure  make   install
geda-20060123                X       X        X
geda-gschem-20060123         X       X        X
libgeda-20060123             X       X        X
geda-docs-20060123           X       X        X
geda-gsymcheck-20060123      X       X        X
pcb-20060321                 X       X        X
geda-gattrib-20060123        X       X        X
geda-symbols-20060123        X       X        X
geda-gnetlist-20060123       X       X        X
geda-utils-20060123          X       X        X