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gEDA-user: Re: Nested for loop?
lingwitt@xxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Nested for loops don't seem to work in iverilog.
> it would seem that only the inner loop is updated.
> Consider the following:
> module TestMultiplier;
> reg signed [7:0 ] x, y;
> wire signed [15:0] z;
> initial
> begin
> $dumpvars;
> for (x = -128; x < 128; x = x + 1)
> for (y = -128; y < 128; y = y + 1)
> #1 $display("%d * %d = %d", x, y, x*y);
> end
> endmodule
> Here x is always -128
> Any help would be appreciated.
Look more closely. What is the bit pattern for +128, in 8 bits?
What is the bit patters for -128 in 8 bits? And for extra credit,
what comes after 127 when counting in 8 bits (signed)?
Steve Williams "The woods are lovely, dark and deep.
steve at icarus.com But I have promises to keep,
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