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Re: gEDA-user: 3D Falcon feedback mouse?

Steve Meier wrote:
> Looks like it might be good for use as the robotic arm of a pick and
> place machine.
That's exactly what I was thinking! I recently outfitted an old XY pen 
plotter to work with a little vacuum pump as a pick and place machine 
for 0603 parts. It did work pretty well, but it's only got like 3/8 inch 
clearance. But it did save me from having to place about 2200 0603 
resistors and caps by hand, on about 20 boards.

(I'd be glad to share my code, but honestly it's sort of kludged 
together, mostly perl. It reads the Daumst and Zevantech pick and place 
files, and produced HPGL commands as well as toggled the bits on the 
printer port to control the automotive 12v vacuum solenoids(2) which 
controlled the suction and the lift functions. The source components 
were cut-tape and just double-stick taped down to the plotter surface, 
with the cellophane peeled off, so it could just pick them up as it 
needed them. A usb camera serves as an enlightenment aid.)

I'm still looking for a good quality but small USB camera (low-res black 
and white or high-res color prefered) that works with Linux, that is not 
ov511 based, if anyone knows of such a thing.
(The ov511 works great, but has a bug which causes the auto light gain 
control to get stuck with the brightness turned all the way up.)

Also, does PCB produce any sort of pick and place files?



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