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Re: gEDA-user: pinseq - pinnumber?

Hmmmm....  maybe I need to change this piece of gEDA documentation:


I'm pretty sure this page is wrong.  Maybe people will complain less
if it's fixed.

Who ever removes the text that states that pinseq= is a requirement,
please actually test gnetlist with non-trivial symbols that does not
have the pinseq= attribute.  You will probably have to test all the
other gnetlist backends to make sure.

OK, I'll fiddle with the netlisters before I try to fix anything on
the web.

From my point of view, pinseq= is still a requirement and I would
rather not drop it.

OK.  But what is it for?  Only for slotted parts and SPICE?  If so,
why can't it be optional?   Or are there other things which use
pinseq?   I'll have to go look.....



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