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gEDA-user: geda:data_plotting_improvements

Hi there,

Some time ago I started a program to view results of gnucap, oscopy,
because I had lots of dependencies-related problems for gwave2. I first
posted a version on gnucap-devel, and was then pointed to the wiki page
geda:data_plotting_improvements. Since then I worked on it, according to
those guidelines, and now it begins to look mature enough to at least be
posted if not usable.

Some features highlight of oscopy:
      * Post-processing: math expressions, fft, diffs
      * View, examine: multiple windows, cursors
      * Data import: gnucap
      * Data export: gnucap, pictures
      * Command line interface, support for scripting
      * Update: reread data from files and recompute math-based data

There is an attempt of screenshot:

You can find it here:

There are some dependencies: 
      * Python 
      * Numpy 
      * Matplotlib

Typical usage: read the data (signals) from file, create figures, add
graph and insert signals, plot, examine, put cursors (shortcuts 1, 2, 3
and 4 during plot), close plots, update and plot, examine... See example
file demo/demo.oscopy for more detailed use.

There is a limit of 4 graph per figure because on my screen results are
unreadable for more graphs. However, there is no limit neither to the
number of figures, nor for signals.

Math expressions are supported: v3=v1+v2 as well as v4=20*log10(v2/v1)
or sin(Time(v1)) should work. When updating through 'update' command,
each math expressions is recomputed if not frozen ('freeze').

I am not a GUI guy, so I made it command line oriented, but CLI related
functions (Oscopy) are separated from core functions (Cmds) in the hope
to facilitate GUI writing.
Support for hdf5 is not present because I do not have 'realworld' files
for now. However, I designed the program so that there is only two
functions to write if ever one wants to add support for any new
import/export format. There is a template to help in the README file.
It currently support one type of graph, 'linear', but in the future I
may add other type, like 'xy' mode (i.e. v1=f(v2)) or 'Smith' charts if
it is of interest. There again it should be possible by writing only a
couple of functions.

Since the very first version I posted on gnucap-devel in January, many
things have changed, e.g. it now only use matplotlib.pyplot (no more use
of pylab), files organization, etc... Although I may have made some
progress in Python, oscopy certainly does not lack of unoptimized code,
fancy bugs but certainly lack of testing on other configurations than my
debian unstable. Please, I ever you want to give it a try, please be
indulgent. I welcome any bug report, suggestion, comment or even patch !



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