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Re: gEDA-user: Bad news about gEDA's participation in GSoC 2009

Stefan Salewski wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-03-20 at 15:25 +0000, Kai-Martin Knaak wrote:
>> By the way, when are the results of the 2008 projects expected to hit 
>> main stream testing? The autorouter looked quite promising. What about 
>> the project manager?
> I hope the topological autorouter is still alive?

I've been pretty slack, and have not had much time to put into it, but 
I'm not going to stop working on it (please keep hassling me for 

In the last few months I made the switch  to GNU GTS, and completed most 
of the code which will handle SMT constraints and so on. I want to add 
code to handle a few peculiar cases in a more general way (e.g., square 
pins inside pads with a collinear edge). There is a small bug in GTS 
which needs a fix for my code to compile. I sent a patch off to the 
maintainer over a month ago, but haven't heard anything back yet, so I'm 
not sure about what to do next there.

I am really surprised that projects such as BZFlag were accepted to the 
GSoC and gEDA was not.


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