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Re: gEDA-user: NE 555 and simulation issue

On Tuesday 02 March 2010, Geoff Swan wrote:
> It has been my experience that circuit modeling tools
>  although useful are not able to negate the need to
>  understand the low level principles of the underlying
>  circuit. The better you understand the physics of what is
>  going on the more value you will get from your circuit
>  modelling.

That is one of the reasons I often recommend using simple models 
of things instead of the ones you can download.

It seems this is not taught in schools like it should be.  
Instead, they teach "professional" (ha) tools, often without 
knowing what professionals use or how they use them.

Simulation is very useful as a study aid to help understand the 
low level principles.  Unfortunately, very few texts and very 
few professors use it this way.  They teach simulation strictly 
for validation, not for exploration, and don't even do a good 
job at that.

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