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Re: gEDA-user: NE 555 and simulation issue
On Tuesday 02 March 2010, Peter Clifton wrote:
> Gnucap is another advanced simulation environment which might
> be interesting. It is different to spice, but can accept
> spice syntax and models etc.. Again, milage will vary as to
> how well it works with a given model - and it is by no means
> a drop in replacement for spice, some things are just done
> differently.
> Al might chime in and give more info if I've got anything
> wrong here, as I'm certainly not an expert - and Al ought to
> know, since he writes Gnucap.
Gnucap is not designed as a drop-in replacement of Spice. That
would be a waste of time. Rather, it is designed as a followup
to Spice, bringing free simulation up to date, and hopefully
taking the lead. In commercial simulators, there are lots of
them that are just Spice. In that regard, NGspice is our spice.
Then there are those that move beyond, in many ways. They sell
for a much higher price than any Spice. This is the "mixed
signal", "fast spice" and lots of others. The only reason they
haven't completely replaced Spice is MARKETING. They can sell a
Spice cheap, and make big bucks on the new one.
Gnucap is designed with full knowledge of Spice and others, to
address the big shortcomings of Spice, and move on. I am
referring to the real issues here, not the ones that can be
easily fixed. Unfortunately, progress has been hampered by a
development team that is far too small, and not much open
community involvement.
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