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gEDA-user: solder paste output (was: Open Source mech)

Peter Clifton wrote:
On Tue, 2010-03-09 at 16:54 -0800, Dave N6NZ wrote:
On Mar 9, 2010, at 4:01 PM, DJ Delorie wrote:
is that true?  Is it simply generated on the fly off the pad
information during gerber export?
That's true.
I have no idea how to add a layer and do all the necessary updates for footprint relocation.
I can imagine two options for file->Save time:

1. Adding an internal flag to state whether the paste information has
been derived from the pad, or loaded from the file.
Gabriel Paubert wrote:  > flag to a pad
> to indicate that you don't want paste
> a partially filled pad (a grid) later on the paste layer.
> And while we are at it adding a paste shrink parameter for middle sized
> pads

Saving the paste info as two kinds, pad derived or user spec'd,
seems the way to be able to use it.  Then you can generate a layer
that shows user spec'd and a separate layer showing derived solder paste.
Then you could turn display of them off and on to get it straight.
Or the (wished for) layers could go into one of those  (wished for)
3D-layer-via-stackup views.

I imagine a plugin aid to drawing solder paste grid patterns that are independent
of footprints.  Same plugin would be nice for creating footprints that
contain grid patterns.   I don't even have the economic freedom to be a
second class developer doing bug triage for now though.  Maybe next year
if my plans go.

Ecosensory   Austin TX

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