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Re: gEDA-user: Launchpad (was: rant: pcb print from command line)

On Thursday 11 March 2010 18:13:11 Duncan Drennan wrote:
> > I'm very bad at following stuff in the sourceforge trackers, partly
> > since I _HATE_ the sourceforge site with a fiery passion.
> Why not just move to LaunchPad? If it is set up and all the docs point
> in that direction then all new bugs/issues will be added there. The SF
> bugs just need to be worked through slowly until they are all closed
> (moving them is a waste of energy).
> Is there some particular developer resistance to LaunchPad?

Moving SF.net tracker items to Launchpad can be done automatically by 
requesting an import.  That isn't a problem.

However, we do need a consensus that Launchpad represents a genuine 
improvement on SF.net for a majority of gEDA developers and users (I know that 
there are some developers who are keen on it).  There are some things that 
would make moving to Launchpad a really compelling option:

 - A hook for git.gpleda.org that could update a Launchpad ticket referenced 
in a commit message.

 - Someone willing to research how best to arrange things in terms of 
Launchpad groups (we probably don't want everybody who's able to respond to 
bugs to have full administrative rights over the gEDA Launchpad project page, 
for instance).

 - A volunteer to manage the migration process (e.g. writing patches for in-
tree documentation and updating the wiki).


Peter Brett <peter@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Remote Sensing Research Group
Surrey Space Centre

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