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Re: gEDA-user: General Layers questions
On Fri, Mar 18, 2011 at 09:49:08PM +0100, Stephan Boettcher wrote:
> Martin Kupec <martin.kupec@xxxxxxxxx> writes:
> > Ok. We probably don't understand each other, so I will just state my fears.
> >
> > I would like to know about each drawing layer where it belongs to.
> >
> > So when I am performing DRC check, I will know, that it is conductive
> > layer and I should consider it. I can take care of special DRC rules for
> > some conductive layers later.
> So we do need layer specific DRC rules. Silk layers get the silk rules
> attached. Copper layers get copper rules attached.
Yes. That is not a problem. And later we can easily add 'drc rules' as
layer attributes, so different layers of the same type will get
a bit different DRC treatment.
> > That is why I insist on 'typed' layers, not 'tagged' layer.
> As long as the user can define arbitrary types, the type becomes an
> attribute. If the user cannot define new types, then there shall be
> only very few very abstract types, connected to basic properies, e.g.,
> "conductive", "hole/via", "other".
Partly. User will not be able to define new types. Because each type
get's a different treatment in different parts of code.
But I want have 'close to zero'(TM) inter layer interaction, so I will
be easy to add new type.
What I want to allow the user to do, is some 'tweaks' of layer types.
Like 'silk:refdefs'. But this 'tweaks' will have to be coded in advance,
the user will add just 'parameters' so it will start working.
So 'silk:refdefs' is still commong 'silk' typed layer with special
attributed 'refdefs' causing that 'refdefs' will magicaly go here and
not to common 'silk'.
We cannot stick with just the 'basic' layers. As i.e. countryard layers
is basicaly non-conductive layers, but there are some special DRC check
added. And those needs to be coded. I don't want to end up with the
current state that some 'specialy named' layers receive special
Internaly it will be probably just 'common' layer on most places and
will receive special treatment on special places like now. But it should
be a bit more 'obvious' what treatment and where it receives.
Martin Kupec
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