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Re: gEDA-user: What is the standard of gEDA tools and PCB

> Dear all,
> Using gschem to edit schematics can only read by itself?  How about we use 
> other windows tools or Linux tools to read it and continue edit?

There is no standard schematic capture file format.  All schematic
capture packages of which I am aware use their own file format.
Perhaps some might import the formats of others, but as a general rule
each schematic capture program's file format is unique to that program.

> IF I take the PCB to fab the layout by other factory, what should i generate 
> and give to them?  What I want to know is the STANDARD!

After you are done drafting the design's schematic, you netlist it.
Then you import the netlist into a layout program to lay out the board
(i.e. create the physical design for the PCB.)  The typical gEDA
layout program is called "PCB".   The output of PCB program (after
layout) is typically a set of "Gerber files".  This is an IEEE
standard, and it is the Gerber files which you take to the PCB fab
house for manufacturing. 

Here is the design flow, reading from top to bottom.

Action			Program		Resulting File 
------			-------		----
Schematic capture	gschem		.sch
Netlist			gnetlist	depends upon backend
layout			PCB		Gerber


> Am I clear?  Please relpy!
> Rui Cheang