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Re: GPLd PCB Library ( was Re: gEDA-user: Free GNU/Linux hardwaredesign tools)


Another thought on packages under PCB. PCB only allows rotations of packages in increments of 90 degrees. Some designs require packages to be at a different rotation for example at 45 degrees. This limitation in PCB can be over come by creating a package with the offset in rotation that you desire. So I would request that you add this into your auto package generator.

Yet another issue is specific to flex circuits. Flex circuits are literaly glued together. The copper pads are glued to the flex material and can easily be pulled off. Flex circuits overcome this by making masks that cover parts of the pads or pads that go partly under the masks. Flex ciruits can also use wierd shaped pads, such as pads with tabs that go under the mask layer to achieve that hold down.

Steve M.