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Re: GPLd PCB Library ( was Re: gEDA-user: Free GNU/Linux hardware design tools)
> I would happily give you a hand at this but I caution.
Thanks. I'll keep that in mind. At the moment I have rather
specific ideas on what I want to do and the job is
small enough for one person. If it stalls too long,
I'll look at using the 'bazaar' development model.
> Each land pattern must match the manufacturing and assembly method.
> ...
As I understand it, this is all 'built into' the standard. PCB fabrication
and assembly tolerances are factored into the land pattern calculations.
(it is one of the reasons I am writing a generator instead of a
static library). Soldering method also influences land patterns
(also taken into account in the standard). The program I am writing
takes all of these factors into account since wherver possible it
doesn't use tables of land pattern dimensions, but calculates everything
based on package dimensions and solder joint properties. Are there any
more factors you are aware of?
Best wishes