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gEDA-user: Deconstructing PCB
DJ and John G.
Sorry just some rambling thoughts about deconstructing/reconstructing
PCB might take. Uhm should we move this conversation to geda-dev?
1. Sever the GUI from the program data structures / algs for manipulating.
Does this make the main PCB program just a viewer?
File translating (print -> gerber, eps, or ps) becomes a seperate utilities.
Design Rule Checking becomes a seperate utility.
Autorouting becomes a seperate utility.
2. Make a gui to manipulate the project.pcb file. This program could
connect to a new API for each of the above utilities - Think carefully
about this in respect to hand placing components on a display - needs
real time responce. - how to draw the faint outline of a component being
dragged for example. Seems to me the viewer also has to have file updating.
3. Maybe, PCB should be modified to continually update a temp.pcb file.
The new GUI could also update the temp.pcb file and cause the viewer to
also update from the temp.pcb.
Yes, if your wondering i have pounded way to much code into my keyboard
and will continue to do so until they pry it from my cold dead fingers
|| a usable speech interface is created || mental telepathy is made to
Steve M.