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Re: gEDA-user: Snap-to-pins, was: Stupid newbie question

Hi Chad,

>Since the SHIFT key is not checked as a modifier during net drawing, what I've
>done is integrated a check just below where the CONTROL key is looked for. 
>That way the snap behavior is optional. I have an iterator doing what you 
>described in your other e-mail message, basically just looking through every 
>object and checking its endpoints if it's an OBJ_PIN. It also "drills into" 
>OBJ_COMPLEX types looking for pins, although I wasn't sure if this was really 

	Yes, actually going into the complex object is very important
as that is where all the pin objects really exist.  

>As I got into the structs and found where they were defined, everything 
>started making a lot of sense. I used to do a lot of MUD development and 
>having thousands of linked lists of structs all over the place is second 
>nature to me. I've got a bug in it right now that's not finding the right 

If you haven't noticed already, there are two particular points about the

1) Yes, there are linked lists everywhere, but unfortunately, due to the 
   organic nature of the code, linked lists are implemented in at least
   two different ways.  First is a home grown implementation which I wrote
   in the very beginning and second, extensive use of glib's GList.  

2) This noweb thing.  noweb is/was an experiment in literate programming.
   Please feel free to submit patches to me against either the noweb
   files or .c files.  For now noweb would be easier, but I can deal
   with .c patches as well.

>endpoint coordinates but when I get it fixed I'll let everybody know, then you
>can show me the "right" way Ales.

	I'll cut right to the chase then.  A tile is nothing more than a
fixed size subdivision of the entire world space.  The entire world space
is divided into a 10 x 10 grid.  Each grid space is a tile. 

	When you add a net/pin/bus to the schematic, libgeda keeps track 
of which tiles the object lives in.  This done via two data structures:

	1) w_current->page_current->world_tiles[][] is an array of TILE
	   structs.  Each TILE struct holds a GList of all objects contained
	   inside the tile as well as the bounding box of the tile.

	2) o_current->tile_locs is a GList of TILE_LOC structures.  Each
   	   object (nets/pins/buses) knows exactly which tile it belongs to.

Here's a very rough (just off the top of my head, so might not work)
outline of how to walk through pins/buses/nets using the tile mechanism.

	1) Figure out what tile your mouse pointer is currently in.
 		Convert screen mouse coords into world coords
		Divide the x and y coords by the size of a single tile.
		Resulting x,y pair is the tile array index.

	2) Figure out what tiles are surrounding you.

		6 | 7 | 8
	        3 | 4 | 5		
		0 | 1 | 2

	   Suppose your mouse pointer is currently in tile 4, then you 
	   would probably have to search tiles 0 through 8 looking for 
 	   nearest pin/bus/net neighbors.   This really just boils down
	   to visiting neighbors in an array and handling the boundary

	3) For all surrounding tiles, look into the world_tile array to
	   find the list of objects to consider.  

It's not too bad to traverse using the tiles, but it is a little bit
more complicated then just traversing the object list.
