So, to get PCB to output a positive image for a plane, draw at least oneYes, but the problem with OLIMEX is not a %IPNEG*% layer. My ground plane rectangles have traces running through them and all layers are %IPPOS*%. The problem seems to be using %LPC*% clears.
trace on that plane, along with your polygon and set the `line clears
polygon' flag to false.
I don't think so... they seem to be able to handle LPC if they are not doing panelization at the same time. At least, I sent them a single-board job a while back with lots of LPC's and that was OK.As an aside, I wonder if Olimex actually using a real honest to goodness photo plotter? (The kind with XY stepper motors and a light bulb with apertures.) If so, then the paint/scratch/paint won't work. Exposing film is a one way process.