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Re: gEDA-user: Nit Picking on PCB

> saved, 

Ok, that's where the [] format comes from.  PCB converts it when it
saves boards.  Mine, saved, looks like this:

Symbol['5' 1200]
        SymbolLine[0 1000 2000 1000 800]
        SymbolLine[0 1000 0 3000 800]
        SymbolLine[0 3000 500 2500 800]
        SymbolLine[500 2500 1500 2500 800]
        SymbolLine[1500 2500 2000 3000 800]
        SymbolLine[2000 3000 2000 4500 800]
        SymbolLine[1500 5000 2000 4500 800]
        SymbolLine[500 5000 1500 5000 800]
        SymbolLine[0 4500 500 5000 800]

Although the input file (src/default_font) looks like this:

Symbol('5' 12)
	SymbolLine(0 0 20 0 8)
	SymbolLine(0 0 0 20 8)
	SymbolLine(0 20 5 15 8)
	SymbolLine(5 15 15 15 8)
	SymbolLine(15 15 20 20 8)
	SymbolLine(20 20 20 35 8)
	SymbolLine(15 40 20 35 8)
	SymbolLine(5 40 15 40 8)
	SymbolLine(0 35 5 40 8)