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Re: gEDA-user: Transformer as voltage transducer?
Randall Nortman wrote:
> Seems like a simple transformer will do it, in theory. But I'm not
> sure about how they will work in the real world. Do transformers
> distort the voltage waveform or phase?
> What happens if I put a load
> on the secondary of more than a few nA?
Other than switching noise, nothing happens. The switching noise can be
dealt with, with a de-bounce circuit.
> What non-linearities are
> there?
None, they aren't an active device, so there aren't issues with linearity.
> What sort of transformers are going to give me the best
> response?
For powerline frequencies, what more response would you need, than what
a power transformer gives you?
Darryl Gibson N2DIY
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