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Re: gEDA-user: Footprints licensing (was: good books about footprint and land patterns)
On 5/19/09, Stuart Brorson <sdb@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> The licensing issue for footprints gets rehashed repeatedly on this
> list.
> Accordingly, we put the following note on the gEDA website some
> time ago:
> http://www.gpleda.org/license.html
For gEDA symbols it is not so critical, they can be referenced
rather than embedded, and in this case their GPLness does not affect
the schematics; historically, PCB has no such option.
> The text talks about symbols, but I believe the developers agree that
> if you substitute the word symbol -> footprint, then you will have the
> gEDA Project's policy regarding licensing of footprints.
So do I; but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find
any stronger confirmation for the footprints coming with PCB.
> I suppose at some point we should put a similar text on the PCB
> website.
I think it would be nice to document it e.g. in README files
of the distributions; the logical link between the contents of the website
and the particular archive is not that hard.
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