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Re: gEDA-user: Breadboard drawings with pcb?

Josef Wolf wrote:
>> I wonder if LaTex and pstricks would be useful here?
> Yeah, that was my original plan:
>  - draw schematics with gschem, export to eps
>  - draw wiring with pcb, export to eps
>  - write description in latex and include the drawings there

Well, I was thinking along the lines of something that would convert the 
gschem and pcb files themselves to pstricks, so that you could use all 
the tools of LaTeX to manage them as documents rather than as images.  
But after a little more Googling myself (I may need a similar solution 
soon), I think the following is a more concise answer.

I've seen LaTeX scripts that could automate the construction of directed 
graphs.  Seems like it would be straightforward (albeit perhaps 
nontrivial) to translate a gschem netlist into a graph specification--- 
and then you could let one of the aforementioned scripts do the actual 
"wiring" using colored arcs:


It may turn out that if your circuits are simple enough, you could just 
specify them in the native language of the graphing program and then 
skip the gschem step as well.

/me shrugs, and apologizes in advance for sending you off in a 
completely different direction :)


Bill Gatliff

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