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Re: gEDA-user: PCB layout for dc/dc-switching converter

   It would be difficult to get that exact layout with real components
   but you should be able to get very close. I would be surprised
   if you see a difference between connecting a pad with two or three
   10mil traces and a solid plane. I would worry more about the
   problems caused with hand soldering to the plane.
   Is that the LT1616? I may have done a design with that
   chip. I switched to the On-Semi NCP1421 which is about
   1/3 the price. The NCP1421 is a lot more difficult to solder
   (MSOP-8 with wide leads).
   (* jcl *)
   You can't create open hardware with closed EDA tools.


   1. http://www.luciani.org/

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