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Re: gEDA-user: gattrib error message
Peter Clifton wrote:
Take a look at the symbol file in a text editor. Attribute blocks,
beginning { ...} should only follow a pin line "P", net line "N",
component line "C".
gattrib is continuing to go down when saving my .sch file.
I scoured the file for attributes attached to items other than pins,
nets, and component lines, as well as the footprint files. I only find
{ brackets on the lines following P, N, or C ... so I think that's not
the problem (see snippet below)
gattrib -v verbose mode shows no error other than:
In s_object_attrib_add_attrib_in_object, trying to add attrib to
non-complex or non-net!
I chopped up the .sch file and ran it as small chunks through gattrib
and it didn't break gattrib. I tried to repeat this (because it was too
weird) and depending on where I make the line-breaks in the smaller .sch
files it will break or not-break gattrib. I always broke the file in
between two nets ... so it's not splitting up important information.
Is there a way to see what line of my file is killing gattrib?
Phil Taylor
; ------ (chunk of .sch file -- it looks okay, right?) -----
N 55400 79800 55400 80000 4
N 55900 79300 56700 79300 4
N 55300 72800 55300 72700 4
N 55300 73800 55300 74600 4
N 55300 74600 58000 74600 4
C 56300 74500 1 270 0 resistor-1.sym
T 56800 73825 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
T 56300 74500 5 10 0 0 270 0 1
T 56800 74050 5 10 1 1 0 0 1
N 56600 74400 56600 74600 4
N 56600 73200 56600 73500 4
N 55800 73300 56600 73300 4
N 58900 76200 61800 76200 4
N 58000 74600 60400 74600 4
N 60400 74600 60400 75900 4
N 60400 75900 61800 75900 4
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