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Re: gEDA-user: Still confused on using PCB to make footprints

   Thanks DJ. The first part of that looks familiar. I guess I never read
   down far enough to get the footprint creation. I now realize that my
   problem was that the menu did not indicate that converting the buffer
   to an element converted vias to pins. I had no idea at all how the pin
   numbers were assigned.
      Is there a way to change the pin numbers if you create the vias in
   the wrong order? Or do you have to cut the element back to the buffer,
   break the element back to pieces, and manually move the vias around to
   get the pin numbers in the right places? And also how do you add names
   to the pins? I know that the gschem symbols have a pin number, a pin
   sequence number, and a pin label (John Doty is probably snarling
   already at how heavy this makes the symbols :)). Which governs the
   association of symbol pin to footprint pin? The pin number, or the pin
   name/label? And what does the pin sequence number do? Does adding a pin
   label override the pin numbers if they disagree?
      Hopefully at this point, most of these questions are for future
   learning. I _think_ I have the schematics ready to populate the board.
   The last big hold out, and what was going to be my first plea for help,
   was CONN8 finding the RJ45 footprint, then not finding it. In the
   process of documenting all the relevant files, I found that my RJ45.fp
   footprint was actually the html code for the page that gave the link to
   the footprint file! It found the file, but failed to make a footprint
   of it. Now that I have that solved, I should be able to get all
   elements to load tonight.

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