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Re: gEDA-user: Implicit terminal question
Sribalan Santhanam wrote:
I just downloaded and installed the gschem tool suite.
I'm playing around with it and and impressed with whats
Been done so far. Great job!
I do have two dumb/simple questions?
1. Is this the right forum/user group to address user questions
about the tool. Is there a newsgroup that I can read to
look at archived questions if my question is already asked/answered?
I think so. The archives are available on the www.geda.seul.org site.
2 I just created my first symbol. A 3 terminal NMOS_TRANSISTOR and
I ran into 2 issues.
A) I'd like the 4th pin (the bulk) to be an implicit connection to
To do this, I simply added a net=vss:B attribute in the nmos.sym.
However, when I gnetlist (spice or spice-sdb) the schematic I
instantiate this symbol
Assuming you're doing a CMOS IC design, you may want to use the spice
netlister I've put into the 'gdatabase' tool. It connects the base
based on just this attribute. In addition to dealing with this issue,
I've also added some support for busses, hierarchy, and instance arrays.
I'm the first user of this tool, so if you do use it, you might be the
second, so you'll probably find some bugs. I'll fix them quickly if you
do. There are a set of symbols I'm using to design my chip, including
nmos and pmos devices, in the gdatabase/batch/test directory of the
gdatabase source. The source is on
In, I get the following line in the netlist.
Am I approaching this incorrectly? How should I handle implicit
connections to pins?
B) Whats the recommended method of passing device parameters
(like area of source/drain) to transistors. Currently, I'm
creating new attributes "as", "ps" etc and things see to
work but I figured there may be a better way.
I think this is the correct way. The gdatabase spice netlister knows
about the parameters each device can take, and only spits out the
corresponding attributes.