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Re: gEDA-user: Editing elements in PCB is too complicated
> I really need to write a good book
> describing each of the multitude of ways to accomplish tasks in PCB. Most
> people do things the hard way because they like to drop through deep menus
> and byzanitne dialogs instead of memorizing a few key strokes.
Since I can type 80 WPM I memorize the keystrokes for just about all of the
programs that I use. I really hate mice. However with PCB I use the menus
via the mouse as I never know what keys are going to do what, and there is no
current documentation to memorize, and they have changed in various versions.
For example in the GTK version what should Shift-B really do?
Under Select I'm told Shift-B moves the selected elements to the other side,
but under Screen I'm told it shows the solder side.
[For those that are following the other thread this is a good example of where
"You have the source, so fix it yourself" does not work. I can easily make
the key do what I want, but the next official PCB release may or more likely
will not, match the change that I make, since I don't know which one is