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Re: gEDA-user: Place to submit PCB footprints

On Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 10:44:03AM +0100, Lucas Vogelsang wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, 2005-11-12 at 17:40 -0500, Matthew Wilkins wrote:
> > As for QA, I would suggest a forum-style web site where people can post
> > their elements under a topic and others can leave comments, ie. whether
> > the element worked for them or not, and whether it meets the standard
> > style guidelines.
> > 
> Yes, that would be good. what also would be fun to write a python client
> which downloads them automatically

I suggest them all (or the good ones - with good karma?) to be added
into the PCB distribution as libraries.

> > When the Geda/PCB developers are looking to release a new version of
> > their software, they can scan through and find elements that meet some
> > criteria (like minimum of one report of successful use in a project,
> > and no reports of problems).  Those elements can then be added to the
> > main distribution.
> > 
> Some "karma" system?
> > It might take a little longer for elements to show up in the releases,
> > but at least the ones that get in should be of high quality, and the
> > rest would be available at the contribution web site.
> > Unfortunately I´m pretty clueless when it comes to web design, but I
> > think such a site would need a couple of people in an admin role,
> > moderating, checking symbols for style compliance, and deleting
> > pictures of DJ. I don´t mind volunteering for some of this duty.
> > 
> Another volunteer.... So already two
> I think it would be a good start to set up a wiki page and write down a
> concept.
> Lucas