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Re: gEDA-user: fork of pcb ?

On Mon, 28 Nov 2005 14:50:06 -0600
"Bert Douglas" <bertd@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: "Stuart Brorson" <sdb@xxxxxxxxxx>
> > The problem lies not with the experienced user (i.e. readers of
> > geda-user), but rather with newbies who tend to be kind of clueless,
> > and will just Google on the name of the program when they want
> > specific usage help.  Making their lives easier is a good thing for
> > everybody.
> The problem also lies with whoever makes packages for linux/bsd 
> distributions.
> The distributions will not permit two different packages with the same name.
> So if both packages make it into popular linux/bsd distributions, there 
> *will* be a name change of some kind.

I think we should organise a vote for this in the comunity.

What do you say?



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