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gEDA-user: Re: Questioning the separate label rule for symbols

On Sat, 18 Nov 2006 09:32:01 -0600, John Griessen wrote:

> we are talking about "How could more
> attribs be handled like refdes, where the attrib in the symbol is
> overrideable by attaching another attrib in the schematic it is placed in.

Actually, this is how I use the value and the footprint attribute in my
medium weight local library. In most cases I know in advance which
footprint the component is going to be. Power mosFETs will most likely
be TO22, resistors will be 0805, opamps will be SO8 and so on. The symbol
contains the default footprint in a visible attribute. Once the symbol is
instantiated in the schematics, the footprint attribute may be changed

This would be even more convenient, if there was a way to integrate a list
of default footprints into the symbol. For example, a resistor may be
0805, 0402 or res500. The attribute editor would present this list in a
drop down selection. Protel symbols work like this. At my previous
job this proved a nice tool when working in a team. The list of default
footprints represented aspects of the design policy of the company.

Kai-Martin Knaak

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