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Re: gEDA-user: pcb docs

> Seems to me that both the "getting started" and the "user's guide"
> could be organized as a series of howto's.

Yes, with the GS including the lexicon and other read-once stuff.

> Difference being: a "getting started" howto is self-contained.  A
> "user's guide" howto may rely on the user understanding all of the
> "getting started" howto's. Other than that, I don't see a lot of
> philosophical difference between them.

I figure the user's guide is something you go back to for "recipes" on
how to do things, whereas at some point you stop going back to a
"getting started".  My intention is to make GS a "read once, start to
finish" and the UG a "read the bits you need as you need them".

> 1) "getting started" howto's


> 2) developer's reference

Why?  I see two parts to this: HOWTOs for common types of changes
(like writing a plug-in), and whatever doxygen spits out (eventually).

> 3) user's reference

This will start out as the action reference we already have, of

> 4) "user's guide" howto's.

We can suck these from the Wiki too.

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