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Re: gEDA-user: Parsing and writing schematics with Perl
Please use http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Parse-GEDA-Gschem
to report bugs about Parse::GEDA::Gschem.
On Nov 8, 2008, at 8:55 AM, fricker wrote:
> http://search.cpan.org/dist/Parse-GEDA-Gschem/
> Parse::GEDA::Gschem version 1.00
> Parse::GEDA::Gschem - gEDA/gaf gschem schematic file parser
> Collection of routines used to parse and write back schematic
> files of the
> format specified by gEDA gschem schematic capture tool as
> detailed at:
> http://www.geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:file_format_spec
> perl 5.10
> my @schFiles = (); # array of schematic file path/names
> my @files = (); # array of schematic objects
> bakSchFiles(\@schFiles); # backup schematic files in bak/year-m-
> d_h-m-s/
> $files = @{readSchFiles(\@schFiles)}; # parses the schematic files
> writeMsg(1, Dumper(\@files)); # prints out the entire data
> structure
> writeSchFiles(\@files); # write the data structure into schematic
> files
> Parse::gaf::gschem is a collection of routines used to parse
> a .sch file
> into a convenient perl array of hashes data structure in memory.
> This array can then be used to extract information about the
> schematics,
> or it can be altered to apply specific changes to the schematics.
> The array can then be written back to the schematic files.
> One could even build such array of hashes data structure without
> reading
> any input schematic file to programmatically generate new
> schematic files.
> [see README file]
> Does not handle the new "path" objects, see http://geda.seul.org/wiki/geda:file_format_spec
> , and does not check for the validity of the file format version
> either, sorry. I will fix this.
> You can't search for it on http://search.cpan.org yet, but you can
> browse to it, or use the link http://search.cpan.org/dist/Parse-GEDA-Gschem/
> You need perl 5.10.0 or higher.
> You need http://search.cpan.org/~dconway/Parse-RecDescent-1.96.0/, or
> higher, which you can only get by downloading it. Using the usual
> "cpan install Parse::RecDescent" will only get you version 1.94, which
> has known bugs.
> Tested on ubuntu-8.10-desktop-amd64, on VMWare Fusion 2.0.
> Please try it out, see the demo in the demo/ directory, and let me
> know of any issues.
> Stay tuned for more to come about an enhanced version of demo/
> demo_geda-usch.pl and design workflow.
> Enjoy! And please be gentle, I am no SW programmer...
> _jP
> On Apr 21, 2008, at 1:31 PM, Peter Clifton wrote:
>> On Mon, 2008-04-21 at 13:03 +0200, fricker wrote:
>>>> On 21 avr. 08, at 11:39, Peter Clifton wrote:
>>>>> On 21 avr. 08, at 10:22, fricker wrote:
>>>>> What I need to achieve all of this is a Perl module that offers:
>>>>> - readFiles(\@files) that returns a reference to an array of
>>>>> hashes
>>>>> (file names are pushed into the data structure)
>>>>> - writeFiles(\@data) that writes the data structure back into the
>>>>> files (file names are within the data structure already)
>>>>> I could package what I have and share it if anyone is interested.
>>>> I think a lot of people would appreciate that, I'd certainly be
>>>> interested.
>>> Hum, what would be the best way to distribute (and maintain) such
>>> thing then?
>>> 1) make it part of the gEDA distribution
>>> 2) keep it independent and post it on CPAN, as Parser::gschem by
>>> example
>>> 3) ?
>>> My guess is that 2) is probably more effective, any other opinion?
>>> Please speak-up.
>> Its been a long time since I coded with Perl (aside from modifying
>> refdes_renum), so am not really up-to-date with how modules are
>> distributed. Is it a single .pm file, or a more complex archive?
>> Many contributors sign up for an account on http://
>> www.gedasymbols.org/
>> and post their scripts, footprints, symbols there.
>> Best wishes,
>> Peter C.
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