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Re: gEDA-user: Parsing and writing schematics with Perl

BTW: the demo_geda-usch.pl included in Parse::GEDA::Gschem allows you  
to update net cross page references attributes.


$./demo_geda-usch.pl -H
Usage: ./demo_geda-usch.pl [-hH] schematicFile1 schematicFile2 ...

   -h            Help; this message
   -H            Extended help
   -v...v        Verbosity level.
   -update_xref  Update xref attributes
   -no_bak       Do not create backup before processing files

This program provides a command line interface to handling gEDA  
It uses Parse::GEDA::Gschem.pm module to parse and write back  
The first thing is does is to create a backup into a directory of the  

	Update xref attributes on net names to show on which page the
	same netname is being used. Three or more consecutive pages are
	aggregated as <first>-<last>. If the xref does not exist on a
	net that appears on multiple pages then it is added and its
	text properties are copied from the netname attribute with the
	text origin mirrored horrizontally.

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