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gEDA-user: Strange PCB waring about shorted nets


I'm using PCB opengl version from git. Today I've opened my last (finished) project and I've got a strange warning after optimizing rat lines (O key):
Warning!  net "unnamed_net103" is shorted to net "unnamed_net45"
There are about 20 warnings like this in total about some nets (seems random for me). The problem is the the nets are not shorted on pcb and if I remove all tracks that are connected to marked (in red) pads and reroute them again in the same position warning disappears. 
Other thing is that if I use netlist window to select "unnamed_net103" or "unnamed_net45" always the same tracks and pads are selected. It seems that PCB really thinks that the nets are shorted, but in fact they are not. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance,
Michael W.

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