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Re: gEDA-user: gEDA and pcb status and minigration from Eagle

On Fri, 2009-11-13 at 11:35 +0900, Torsten Wagner wrote:
> > If you're new to gEDA, make sure you have at least the 1.6.0 version.
> > Anything older is just so much uglier. 1.6.0 is actually the latest
> > release - there are one or two bug fixes (one notable) in git HEAD if
> > you wanted to build from source....
> > 
> Thanks for pointing this out. Actually I tried to build from git but received 
> an error messages

Are you attempting an out-of-tree build?

The code comes from the Makefile.am:

	if test "$(srcdir)" != "$(builddir)" ; then \
		echo "copying scheme files" ; \
		cp -f $(srcdir)/*.scm $(builddir) ; \
	else \
		echo "source directory = build directory" ; \

Looks like $(builddir) is expanding to "" on your build for some reason.

On my attempt at building, my gnetlist/scheme/Makefile contains:

builddir = .

(As a hack, you might look at adding that to your Makefile and test to
see if the build proceeds ok).

This seems related:


Do you have the build prerequisites listed here:


Try re-running "./autogen.sh", then "./configure" in the top dir of the
git checkout to see if that helps.

Best wishes,

Peter C.

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